Stacie Rae-The Resting Traveller

Stacie Rae-The Resting Traveller

Empowering Souls Through Divine Conection

Choose a service to schedule

Coaching and Spiritual Direction

Connect Me Coaching Program - $800
What are you suffering from?

Why do you have
➡️ physical pain and distress?
➡️ mental stress?
➡️ emotional dis-ease?
➡️ spiritual disconnection?

PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE. email to inquire how you can qualify.

My immersive program each month will:

1. connect the dots of your past to the suffering of your present
2. lead you towards healing and freedom for your future
3. release you from the present unhealthy patterns and loops

With my customized and closely guided program,
you will begin to see where the origin point is to your suffering. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

*parasite removal
*recovery from Narcissistic abuse and toxic relationships
*feeling stuck and powerless
*feeling disconnected in their bodies
*emotional distress
*general personal development

➡️ Where and when did your physical body begin to react to the pain of the mind and heart? Did you pick up a parasite? Did you have an altercation at work? Did your parent speak something that your ears heard that stuck with you as a belief about life?
➡️ Where did the emotions begin to arise from the trauma of the spirit? What did you feel in a past moment that led you to feel what you do today?
➡️ How did you start to compensate for your pain? What have you been doing to manage the stress and release the discomfort?

Each month of the Connect Me Coaching program generally looks like this:

⭐️**4 weeks, 2 sessions per week, to understand and decode
-key moments in your timeline from childhood to present
-generational connections, family history, energy leaks, relationship patterns
-illness, allergies, seasonal energy loops, parasite symptoms
-financial/job patterns and struggles
-past life, preconception energy, and epigenetic information
-how each of your 4 bodies are coping with the core, life altering situations you've faced

⭐️**You will have 24/7 access to me via text/email, with 2 emergency calls/videos at 30 minutes each to provide further support if you are struggling within your day

⭐️**A PDF workbook to follow along the process and document your findings, breakthroughs, and questions to self

⭐️**A session with "The Electric Shaman" will be booked for you during the 2nd week of the program to clear the chakras, re-program the DNA, and further decode your 4 bodies. This is a zoom session, based out of San Diego California. This is a 60 minute session valued at $165.00 USD.

⭐️**Access to my online workshop, "Assisting The Chakras With Herbal Alchemy" through the House Of Rae--Academy Of Alchemy

⭐️**​​We will lay out the dots to make the connections and understand:
-How the physical body is relating to this world now through diet, illness, allergies, and more
-How the mental body and how it is coping with stress and memories
-How the emotional body and where it's holding the energy.
-How the etheric/spiritual body, and where it's not receiving connection to Source.

⭐️**You will have daily contact, homework, and routines that create lasting change of all the body systems.
Body, Mind, Spirit, Emotions.

⭐️**You will have texts/emails to check in on you daily, and homework that is created specific to your routines and needs within the 4 bodies. No cookie cutter experiences here.

-Body: Cleansing priority systems to help eliminate toxins while also removing parasites—travellers, that have been using you as a host while stabilizing the core elimination systems of the body so that the vessel housing your spirit can better serve you here in this timeline.
-Mind: Clear negative beliefs and poor habitual speech patterns.
-Spirit: Addressing soul contracts, karmic cycles, and creating boundaries and new portals for clean energy.
-Emotions: Releasing trapped emotions from traumatic situations you've experienced and downloading new life codes

This intensive package will give you opportunity to heal childhood traumas, unravel the seemingly endless cycles to close them out for good, and begin to LIVE FREE and CONNECT to the Divine within. This is Quantum Alchemy. This is the modality I have created.

This program is not for those who are not ready to do the work. It is designed to be fully customized to your shadows, your light, your soul contract, and as an aid to empower you to be the ONE you are. It is vulnerable and requires great courage. If you think you are ready; its time to get started today. 

This is done via zoom video. After purchasing the package you will be contacted to confirm dates and times with Stacie Rae to start your first day of your free future.
Connect Me Coaching 1 Hour - $85
One-on-one with Stacie Rae for:
*spiritual counselling with Quantum Alchemy
*light code creation and activation
*human design
*emotion code
*herbal remedy alignment
*parasite cleansing

A whole self alchemy of healing that incorporates Ancient and Modern Sciences.

We heal the wounds of the present through awareness and movement of the soul in all its forms with Quantum Alchemy.

Alchemy is transformation—you must be ready for this. The sessions are you led by your own subconscious and conscious mind. Stacie Rae will open doors and unlock prisons with you with skill and precision... but you must have courage and trust in the process.

If you are ready for life altering Quantum Healing... then this session is for you.
Vitality Recovery Protocol LEVEL 1 - $150
Vitality. Your energy, life force, ability to move through a day without distress and lethargy of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. DO YOU NEED TO RECOVER YOUR VITALITY?

LEVEL 1 addresses the Lymphatic system and prepares the body for recovery of all the elimination systems and gut biome processing. Returning your body to a state of harmony within.

A 4 week protocol—a lifetime adjustment.

1, 30 minute zoom each week for 4 weeks, a PDF workbook with all the instructions and a special gift of herbal teas or tinctures (dependant on client preference) to support the process.

After Level 1, you can continue on to the next stage with Level 2 protocols for the Kidneys and Liver. Followed by Level 3; the gut biome.

Take this lifelong knowledge and the printable PDF alongside the personal coaching and direction of how to recovery your life and feel energized once again!
First time Client Consult - $40
Before becoming a client, you will need to have a consult to see if Stacie Rae's Quantum Alchemy and alternative healing is for you. Please choose this service to meet Stacie Rae and share your needs and receive a plan of action for future guidance and healing.
Closed Door Session - $125
The “Closed Door Session”.

This is your time and a closed, confidential door.
Do you want to talk about a sensitive problem, need to confess a secret, or perhaps there is something you need to share but don’t know how, or to who.

Do you have questions about a specific topic, a dream you can’t shake—something you heard but don’t fully understand? Or maybe you just desire personal time to learn one on one how to create a herbal elixir or how to access your spiritual gifts.

This is the session for you. A “closed door” block of time where you can share anything, ask for clarity or education on any topic, and receive counsel, a listening ear or wisdom in return.

The session starts off by asking what you’d like from me as the co-participant. Do you need to vent, have education, or advice?

Banter back and forth with me about spiritual, holistic, emotional, psychological topics. Hidden, taboo, or secretive. The conversation is yours.

Alternative Healing

Emotion Code Trauma Clearing - $80
Many times blocked emotions create a halt in the flow of our healing—the emotional baggage is heavy and we can feel stuck and unable to move ahead. This is where EMOTION CODE comes in.
Using a logical system that determines where the energy flow became stuck, the age, what kind of trauma occurred and how it has attached to you, we can remove that energy and you will be able to walk forward free! So how does it work??....

When we have a negative emotion impact us, many times our mind will move the energy into our body and the processing of that emotion is not complete; it is a survival mechanism so that the mind can continue to function and flow. This energetic shift if not processed will harm the physical, mental, and spiritual body's. By removing and processing those trapped emotions, we free ourselves up to live in happiness and with peace, calm, and fulfillment. The emotional baggage is gone!

During this appointment we will ask your subconscious what we can remove in terms of trapped emotions, negative beliefs and statements, and also ask if we can replace them with positive beliefs.

This is a non-invasive way to bring release and wellness to the whole self. You are not obligated nor even expected to share where (if you know) where these trapped emotions come from as they are identified and released, but are absolutely free to do so during this time if you would like. Stacie Rae is a certified Counsellor and able to help you process anything you would consciously like to explore further during this time or by booking a separate Session.
Free Parasite Cleanse Consult - $0
This is a free consult to learn more about how parasites affect your body, and how my 12 week parasite cleanse program can create life long positive changes for you.
Parasite Cleanse Program-12 weeks - $2,500
Removing parasites from the body isn't as simple as just taking a cleanse. Did you know when you start to attack them, they release toxins into your body?!
*heavy metals
*mineral deposits like iron, copper, zinc

Your body needs to be able to handle the removal of these critters AND the dirty mess they leave behind.

My PARASITE REMOVAL PROGRAM is one on one, customized to your body, lifestyle, and time factors, to:
1. Establish all elimination systems are functioning at peek performance. Liver, Kidneys, Lymphs.
2. Anchoring the gut biome with healthy food choices, low sugars, probiotics. The central system must be able to help the other gears of the body work properly.
3. Multi-cycles of removal via tinctures, capsules, and other means of eradication including a binding agent to carry the toxins OUT of the body with ease.

This is a 3 month program that involves your full participation to work properly. You must follow the protocols and take the necessary actions suggested.

You will be sent all the necessary supplies for the eradication of the parasites including tinctures, capsules, teas for:
*biome support

You will need to purchase your own food as usual and the ingredients for the morning cleanse, as well as probiotics at your local health food store which can be discussed in the initial session.

You will not only receive the necessary tools for your journey, but weekly check in support via zoom for a total of 12 sessions (including the initial call) and 24/7 message/email connection availability.

A printed handbook will be given to you, to document the process and your milestones giving you the empowerment to do the cleanse again in years to come.

A Connect Me Coaching Session with Stacie Rae is also included to work through any challenges that arise emotionally as the cleanse progresses.

As a free gift, you will also be given a session with "The Electric Shaman" from San Diego California who will do an Etheric Body Scan and remove any parasites that are in your Auric field and DNA codes. This is an optional service you may receive, knowing that not everyone is open to this type of service. This is valued at $165.00 USD.

You will also receive a FREE Crystal Fusion Water Bottle valued at $99.00 CDN to encourage you to drink the best water available on the planet; crystal infused.

Take charge of your body, and don't let anything feed off you without your permission anymore!!